Decades of Experience Meeting & Exceeding Compliance
SteelCell is compliant with all National Building Codes. The Industrialized Building Commission certified our Quality Control system and manufacturing plant.
Our modular units are designed to withstand the highest seismic zones and we can accommodate requests for ADA compliance.
team safety
We Care About People
SteelCell has a track record of keeping its employees safe. Our state-of-the-art factory creates a controlled environment with a streamlined layout. Our product moves through labor stations seamlessly to increase quality control and worker safety.
Because there are fewer tracks to the job site, overall working conditions are safer and less prone to accidents and injury.

Built Strong
Galvannealed Steel
Our cells are fabricated from the highest quality coated alloy steel that will resist corrosion.
Lighter weight prefabricated cells reduce load on foundation floors, which minimizes shifting and sinking. Because our structures are stackable, they will support the weight of cells above them. Our unlimited design options for fixtures and furniture are fully gussets to walls with an enclosed bottom.
Polyurea Coating
Secure Barrier
ASTM standards